1. Classic Compare/Contrast using close readings of Dickinson/Whitman as evidence and essays located on the resources pages attached on blackboard or HERE (Whitman) or HERE (Dickinson). @2500wds. Can be language-focused, thematic, or historical.
2. Homage work. A creative work that makes its choices in relation to Whitman or Dickinson or Both. Accompanied by a close-reading of the work that details exactly HOW and WHY the choices relate to their inspirations. THE PIECE + @1200wd paper
3. Translation of a Whitman or Dickinson work (or two pieces) into another form (short film, fine art, photo-essay, song, etc.) Accompanied by a close-reading of the work that details exactly HOW and WHY the choices were made to highlight/illuminate the work/s in question. THE PIECE + @1200wd paper.
4. Something I have not thought of.
*** If you choose the creative work... I expect them to take more time, not less, and just as much research. Do not choose 2 or 3 if you think they will require less work. They are not likely to be successful without rigorous argument for why they are appropriate responses to the work at hand.
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